Friday 11 October 2013

More Birds

More birds

Yesterday I was writng about 4 birds like the kingfisher and the roller but today I'm going to write  about the Roller and the amazing Crosbill.

The Roller has a vivid blue plumage and it is the size of a Jackdaw so it is unique in Europe. This bird is so special and so different to every other bird so this can not be mistaken.The Roller often perches on wires or poles watching slyly for its tasty prey,which it pounces on, like a Shrike ( A bird that is brown,white and black and is the shape and almost the size of a Great Tit).

European roller on a  branch - stock photoThis bird is very nice and very shiny when you see it up close and in real life unlike on this picture.
  Voice: This  bird doesn't have as much of a beautiful voice as it does looking, it has a rough crow like voice and its call is like this rak or rak-aaak.
Nesting: This uses holes in trees,walls,buildings or old crows nests in trees for its nest.It lays 4-7 eggs and like most birds it incubates from May-June.
Feeding: The roller eats mostly large insects and sometimes it eats Rodents and Lizards caught on the ground.
Similar species: There is two different types of Roller species that don't come in the UK the European Roller and the Indian Roller but there is no other species that is similar to the 2 different types of Roller.  

The Crosbill

This amazing powerful big awesome finch is made for eating the seeds of Spruces,pines and other conifers using its hooked crossed bill ( Which is where it got its name from) to prise the cone scales apart so it can extract the seeds from it. 

Red Crossbill This bird is the rare Crosbill it might look big in some pictures like RSPB (royal society for the protection of birds)   pictures it might look bigger than it is in this picture as in this  one it is very small.

Voice: The Crosbill voice is terribly loud and abrupt its calls are like this jup-jup-jup and whilst feeding its song is a mix of buzzy notes,calls,warbles and loud trills.
Nesting: It has a small nest of twigs and moss that is high in conifer like most birds it lays 3-4 eggs but it lays them from January-March unlike most birds.
Feeding: The Crosbill eats seeds of conifers such as spruce and pine which I was writing about earlier it also has berries buds and insects to eat.
Similar species: The Hawfinch seems to be the only similar species to this bird because not even the parrot Crosbill is similar to this species! 

                                           The next best thing 

Obviously after my last feeder got taken down I have to make a new one soon, when the bread goes I will definitely  have to make a new one and this is how I'm going to make it, (by the way I have already tested this).

1. I'm going to buy some bird seed from the shop across the road.
2. I have already got the block of  lard but you need to get some if you don't already have a block.
3.Put the lard into a frying pan and wait to it melts like butter when it's half way there and put in some of your bird seeds but only put half.
4.Now wait until all of the lard is melted while mixing the two together. 
5.Put the rest of the bird seed in and keep stirring for about five minutes.
6. Take it off the gas and put it on the side for around 20 minutes.
7.Put it into a plastic container and put it into the fridge for a day.
8. Take it out and put it wherever you would like.

1. This is what my bird new bird cake looked like in the middle of making it, it was super fun and cool! I will make sure it is a bird feeder that will be as successful as can be.

2. This is my extra feeder that I will hang with a nail onto the piece of wood and this means that nothing can go wrong unless karma bites back if something goes wrong!

 3. My finishing result in the pan was this and I mixed the lard, nuts and bird seed mix. To mix the cake I had to use a wooden spoon.  It went really hard after I put it into the fridge.

 This is the end result of my bird cake but this is only to let it set, I really need to take off the cling film and lay it sideways. on the plank of wood!  

That is how successful my bird cake became and after a few days it was going down quite a bit.

            Smaller Posts

Some people might be wondering what that title means, well, if I get any people from other countries or continents then every time I will just put this title up and welcome people I am now welcoming somebody  from India and Germany a few people from Russia South Korea and Vietnam there is also quite a few people from the United states and most people of all from the UK. Thank you for visiting please come back soon, and I wish you good luck for your websites too, if you have any.

Thursday 10 October 2013

                                      Colour birds

Sorry about my absence it was just first I had homework then I have to do  after school clubs everyday of the week, so by the time I get home and on the weekends I have to go to Leicester  and  and London so I haven't had time over the past few days/weeks. So  for the  last few minutes I  have been working on some fact files of the birds and this is what I have got for you.

                            Pine Grosbeak  

This very large finch combines the bull neck, the uncrossed and wonderous body of a Bullfinch with the beautiful plumage pattern of the spectacular Crossbill and which I will be writing about tomorrow!  Males are bright red and grey, and females bronze green or yellow both have double white white wingbars on black wings. They are shy when breeding but this forest bird is not very frightened of people or dangerous when it feeds on berries on gardens and any type of streets in winter!

Male pine grosbeak.

voice:This has a lovely voice and its songs are like whistling or piping calls ( yodeling song).
nesting: It's an untidy stash of  twigs low down on the branch close to the trunk of a pine tree. The months May-July  are the three months that they lay eggs and they lay about 3-4 eggs .
feeding:They usually eat a range of  Buds,shoots,seeds,rowan,juniper and other berries and insects during breeding.
similar species:Bullfinch, crossbill and Parrot Crossbill.

This amazing exotic looking bee eater is unmistakable when seen in daylight, for no other European bird has its combo of bright colors. Its shape is unique and its actions are even distinctive in silhouette. That's all for the intro as I'm running out of time.


 As you can see the two genders are the same color and the same thing really so you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Voice: The voice enriched in the bee eater is distinctive soft, far carrying, deep and the prroop prroop sound is given in chorus from passing flying flocks.
Nesting: It digs burrow in sandy banks or flattered grounds it nests in colonies. It lays 4-7 eggs and breeds May-June.
Feeding: This amazing bird catches insects in flight including bees,wasps,butterflies and dragonflies.
Similar species: One of the similar species to this is the common but close up Super Starling.

This bird is my favorite king bird it is beautiful  and rare you can only see these birds by sandy
Usually this bird has blue streak looking like lightning down its back whilst flying  over water. When the Kingfisher is perched in the dappled shade watching for prey it can be surprisingly hard to see. Thats all for this intro because I am really running out of time now.
 Voice: The voice of this beautiful bird is quite loud it's sharp high fast trill in spring.
Nesting: The nest is a deep tubular tunnel lined with fish bones in earth banks over water. It lays 5-7 eggs from May-July.
Feeding: It catches fish,frogs and aquatic insects by diving from a perch or mid-air hover.
Similar species: To be honest there is no species that is the same or similar to this rare and amazing type of species! 

As you can see hear like the Bee eater the King fisher male and female look the same but the only difference is the female has black and red on its beak instead of just black like the male. The only  difference in the Child and Adult is the child has a more dull lightning streak on the back of it.