Wednesday 20 November 2013

My first bird book to share

Today I want to show you guys some pictures of my first bird journal and some things that I saw when I went to Rutland water in December 2011 when I was seven, also if you haven't been to there you should really go because it is amazingly amazing and all the staff and people that go there are really nice.

This is a picture of when I went to Rutland water and I came back with the list of birds that I saw and I saw quite a few. About fifty but I don't know if it was exactly that but I think I am near. Also my writing is a bit messy but at the time I was only seven.  

 This one is just my actual journal from the outside I thought people might want to look at it and see what it is from the outside. I know its not much to look at from the outside but on the inside it has lots of empty pages and a lot of them are filled to the maximum they can!

I know that I haven't done much today but tomorrow I will do facts about birds that I saw at Rutland water.

Monday 18 November 2013

something to think about

Yesterday I watched the movie rise of the planet of the apes and that film I found both upsetting and amazingly good and what happened was that at the start a man took a baby ape home because his boss said to put them down (kill them) and he couldn't do it to a baby, so when he gets back into his house he goes to bed with the ape by him in his cot. When he wakes up the clock turns ahead 5 years and the mans dad gets his disease back from before so, then he gets in the car and smashes the two cars that are in front of him and at the back of him. When the neighbor sees the old man he calls the police and pushes the old man,then making the ape angry so he goes and escapes out of the window pushes the neighbor down and bites his finger off. Unfortunately then the police come and take the ape named Cesar to a  jail for apes and then the man who is looking after the ape can't do anything to stop them and there, he is treated extremely badly but after a certain time period he becomes even cleverer than before meaning he can let the big monkey free so he makes all the monkeys clever like him and they on a super rampage destroying even the police and then they return to the forest where the other apes lived before and after the whole world was returned back to normal except by the end Cesar could talk and said to the man that he wanted to stay in the forest with the rest of the apes. Anyway the point and the moral of the film is " DON'T MESS WITH NATURE OR NATURE WILL MESS WITH YOU "  A lot of people would disagree with that but people need to start looking after this world and  if we don't then we may not, but the people in the future will pay for our sins!

Saturday 16 November 2013

My intake on nature

I think all nature is wonderful and some peoples opinion might be the total opposite but some people might be the same and now I will tell you what I think on the whole for nature from the tiniest of ants to the biggest of ostriches. I might say one or two things I have already said elsewhere  like the first part is at the start of this same paragraph  on this same page and I have not copied any of this off anything at all so you won't see this anywhere else.

I think all nature is wonderful after all if nature wasn't here neither would we be and one day the sun will explode and if by a certain time it doesn't then we will run out of resources and there will be war for everything and none will have peace. Nothing will be safe and we will have to go back to living in caveman times but this time the world won't adapt like it did last time where as generations went on there became villages then it became bigger and bigger until there were cities and loads of them too like on Spore but we will go back into the caveman times and not go back into what were living in now...EVER! So something NEEDS to happen or the earth will go downhill. The good people in this world are doing things to help like more recycling and green buses and now even electric cars are seen more often but some people hate nature like people who are cutting down trees,killing animals and the rest of it but some people won't change and can't so we need to convince different people, people that are like that but can change to help nature and to be good people because it doesn't matter if you pretend because god is looking down on all of us so you have got to choose where you want to go hell where the devil lives or heaven where all good people go and where the creator of all [GOD] lives to enjoy peace and happiness. So who knows if your a really good person you might come back to life as that (life) is a gift within itself.

 I love birds and the animals in this world some can hurt, others can't and the only reason they will is because of humans. Humans killed and sometimes even ate and captured their kind, animals then got scared and that is why in modern times birds fly off and are scared of humans!


I am sorry I haven't been posting for a very long time its just that I have forgotten about this because of all the things that I have had to do recently like homework,school and all the clubs I have had after school and the few times I have come to post I have forgotten my username. Then I couldn't find where I wrote it down.  I have had a lot of homework and unsurprisingly it has been extremely time-consuming so I will start doing more posts and it is the weekend too so I will be doing more tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 11 October 2013

More Birds

More birds

Yesterday I was writng about 4 birds like the kingfisher and the roller but today I'm going to write  about the Roller and the amazing Crosbill.

The Roller has a vivid blue plumage and it is the size of a Jackdaw so it is unique in Europe. This bird is so special and so different to every other bird so this can not be mistaken.The Roller often perches on wires or poles watching slyly for its tasty prey,which it pounces on, like a Shrike ( A bird that is brown,white and black and is the shape and almost the size of a Great Tit).

European roller on a  branch - stock photoThis bird is very nice and very shiny when you see it up close and in real life unlike on this picture.
  Voice: This  bird doesn't have as much of a beautiful voice as it does looking, it has a rough crow like voice and its call is like this rak or rak-aaak.
Nesting: This uses holes in trees,walls,buildings or old crows nests in trees for its nest.It lays 4-7 eggs and like most birds it incubates from May-June.
Feeding: The roller eats mostly large insects and sometimes it eats Rodents and Lizards caught on the ground.
Similar species: There is two different types of Roller species that don't come in the UK the European Roller and the Indian Roller but there is no other species that is similar to the 2 different types of Roller.  

The Crosbill

This amazing powerful big awesome finch is made for eating the seeds of Spruces,pines and other conifers using its hooked crossed bill ( Which is where it got its name from) to prise the cone scales apart so it can extract the seeds from it. 

Red Crossbill This bird is the rare Crosbill it might look big in some pictures like RSPB (royal society for the protection of birds)   pictures it might look bigger than it is in this picture as in this  one it is very small.

Voice: The Crosbill voice is terribly loud and abrupt its calls are like this jup-jup-jup and whilst feeding its song is a mix of buzzy notes,calls,warbles and loud trills.
Nesting: It has a small nest of twigs and moss that is high in conifer like most birds it lays 3-4 eggs but it lays them from January-March unlike most birds.
Feeding: The Crosbill eats seeds of conifers such as spruce and pine which I was writing about earlier it also has berries buds and insects to eat.
Similar species: The Hawfinch seems to be the only similar species to this bird because not even the parrot Crosbill is similar to this species! 

                                           The next best thing 

Obviously after my last feeder got taken down I have to make a new one soon, when the bread goes I will definitely  have to make a new one and this is how I'm going to make it, (by the way I have already tested this).

1. I'm going to buy some bird seed from the shop across the road.
2. I have already got the block of  lard but you need to get some if you don't already have a block.
3.Put the lard into a frying pan and wait to it melts like butter when it's half way there and put in some of your bird seeds but only put half.
4.Now wait until all of the lard is melted while mixing the two together. 
5.Put the rest of the bird seed in and keep stirring for about five minutes.
6. Take it off the gas and put it on the side for around 20 minutes.
7.Put it into a plastic container and put it into the fridge for a day.
8. Take it out and put it wherever you would like.

1. This is what my bird new bird cake looked like in the middle of making it, it was super fun and cool! I will make sure it is a bird feeder that will be as successful as can be.

2. This is my extra feeder that I will hang with a nail onto the piece of wood and this means that nothing can go wrong unless karma bites back if something goes wrong!

 3. My finishing result in the pan was this and I mixed the lard, nuts and bird seed mix. To mix the cake I had to use a wooden spoon.  It went really hard after I put it into the fridge.

 This is the end result of my bird cake but this is only to let it set, I really need to take off the cling film and lay it sideways. on the plank of wood!  

That is how successful my bird cake became and after a few days it was going down quite a bit.

            Smaller Posts

Some people might be wondering what that title means, well, if I get any people from other countries or continents then every time I will just put this title up and welcome people I am now welcoming somebody  from India and Germany a few people from Russia South Korea and Vietnam there is also quite a few people from the United states and most people of all from the UK. Thank you for visiting please come back soon, and I wish you good luck for your websites too, if you have any.

Thursday 10 October 2013

                                      Colour birds

Sorry about my absence it was just first I had homework then I have to do  after school clubs everyday of the week, so by the time I get home and on the weekends I have to go to Leicester  and  and London so I haven't had time over the past few days/weeks. So  for the  last few minutes I  have been working on some fact files of the birds and this is what I have got for you.

                            Pine Grosbeak  

This very large finch combines the bull neck, the uncrossed and wonderous body of a Bullfinch with the beautiful plumage pattern of the spectacular Crossbill and which I will be writing about tomorrow!  Males are bright red and grey, and females bronze green or yellow both have double white white wingbars on black wings. They are shy when breeding but this forest bird is not very frightened of people or dangerous when it feeds on berries on gardens and any type of streets in winter!

Male pine grosbeak.

voice:This has a lovely voice and its songs are like whistling or piping calls ( yodeling song).
nesting: It's an untidy stash of  twigs low down on the branch close to the trunk of a pine tree. The months May-July  are the three months that they lay eggs and they lay about 3-4 eggs .
feeding:They usually eat a range of  Buds,shoots,seeds,rowan,juniper and other berries and insects during breeding.
similar species:Bullfinch, crossbill and Parrot Crossbill.

This amazing exotic looking bee eater is unmistakable when seen in daylight, for no other European bird has its combo of bright colors. Its shape is unique and its actions are even distinctive in silhouette. That's all for the intro as I'm running out of time.


 As you can see the two genders are the same color and the same thing really so you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Voice: The voice enriched in the bee eater is distinctive soft, far carrying, deep and the prroop prroop sound is given in chorus from passing flying flocks.
Nesting: It digs burrow in sandy banks or flattered grounds it nests in colonies. It lays 4-7 eggs and breeds May-June.
Feeding: This amazing bird catches insects in flight including bees,wasps,butterflies and dragonflies.
Similar species: One of the similar species to this is the common but close up Super Starling.

This bird is my favorite king bird it is beautiful  and rare you can only see these birds by sandy
Usually this bird has blue streak looking like lightning down its back whilst flying  over water. When the Kingfisher is perched in the dappled shade watching for prey it can be surprisingly hard to see. Thats all for this intro because I am really running out of time now.
 Voice: The voice of this beautiful bird is quite loud it's sharp high fast trill in spring.
Nesting: The nest is a deep tubular tunnel lined with fish bones in earth banks over water. It lays 5-7 eggs from May-July.
Feeding: It catches fish,frogs and aquatic insects by diving from a perch or mid-air hover.
Similar species: To be honest there is no species that is the same or similar to this rare and amazing type of species! 

As you can see hear like the Bee eater the King fisher male and female look the same but the only difference is the female has black and red on its beak instead of just black like the male. The only  difference in the Child and Adult is the child has a more dull lightning streak on the back of it.  

Saturday 28 September 2013

 its here

My bird feeder is finally here! I made it as I promised you the other day and it is better  I have found the ingredients in the big Tesco by my house. I added some new sort of nuts in bags and I have taken some pictures of the lard bird seed and nut. I have them here to show you.

This is the bird seed and nut mixed together put into a container and hung onto a plank of wood. I have put foil over the top with an elastic band around it to assure that none of the food falls out.


This is what I actually made 
in the pan which I will put up a bit later I put it in a water bottle as that was the only container I could find I mixed nuts bird seed and lard together and this is what I came out with! it will be so cool when the birds start coming, one has already come today but not many. I do not know what bird it was because I was not there to witness it. 

The next few days are going to be a great success for me and I want to get to 1,000 views  in around 6 months so I hope people keep coming for me and sooner or later  I will have 1,000 views and I will make a great success for nature.

Thursday 26 September 2013

                                            Game over

I can'y believe it all of the bread is fully gone, I don't know which bird it was as I was at school today but it is now gone so I need to make my new and improved bird feeder. It is going to be quite hard because I don't have the ingredients yet. Also the co-operative across the road does not have it so I have to go to my super big Tesco or maybe even my smaller Asda.
I am going to get it tomorrow or maybe the next day so you better come back. My new one is going to be better! Just to let you know I won't be doing it on Sunday because I have a party to attend to so I'm trying to get as much done as I can!

Tuesday 24 September 2013

                                              going down
All of the bread is nearly  gone and that means today or tomorrow I'm going to need to get the feeder up and running once again, because otherwise I won't get the enjoyment of watching the birds and my blog will go back down and I won't get the blog back up ever again! 

So I'm going to make the feeder and it will be so cool as I will be watching it and it will attract many birds and will hopefully have me make some success. 

This is the bread that is left, I know it's not much but the birds will still come, and hopefully I will have made the new super advanced bird cake. Unfortunately I do not have all the ingredients so some of my viewers might do it before me!
If anybody is wondering then I got that piece from the compost heap at the back of my garden behind this shed and surprisingly it was the perfect piece, just like it was meant to be!

By Saturday all the bread should be gone and I should have a new feeder so make sure you come on that special day for me.  


Monday 23 September 2013

Today I found that most of my bread had been eaten so soon! I have seen a wood pigeon,a Starling, House Sparrow and Magpie, eat this bread after some other birds had taken the other bits of my delightful bread! 


The wood pigeon has a white collar a red breast, with grey wings and a grey head, it has an orange beak and finally yellow and black eyes.
The Starling has a black body with silver spots, yellow and black wings, a yellow beak and black eyes! 
The House Sparrow has beady black eyes with a body of brown, with the same colour for it's wings, it has a brown and black breast and  yellow for a beak.
Finally the magpie has a unique body of white black and a touch of blue, it has a mixed light and dark green tail, with black legs a black head a black beak and small round black eyes.   

                                 starting over 

Unfortunately I had to take down my cake as the mixture had water in it so, the flies were laying eggs in and on it so I had to take it down and tomorrow I'm going to make another one and put it up, because that was just an experiment to see if something would happen and it did but the only reason I took it down was for the birds health. I was worried if I keeped it up then the birds will get ill and I wouldn't want them to die as it would be horrible for them and I  wouldn't have even started this blog. I have a picture of  the flies eggs, I think it's a fruit fly that has been laying the eggs see if you can work out what it is. By the way I have got to share with you the whole life cycle of flies!



                                fly life cycle
First they start off with the  eggs, then wait and let them hatch to the first larval stage, after that they adapt to the second larval stage, next they enter the third larval stage. Then it becomes a Pupa, which is sort of like a cucoon! Finally it becomes an adult fly, you probably all know what that is. I only know that they die but not if they have funerals.  

Saturday 21 September 2013

Buzzards on the move

Today I saw around 10 Buzzards above my house soaring high in the sky I quickly went in to get my binoculars and I am surprised to say they were Buzzards. Unfortunately they were to high in the sky for me to use a camera and even if they were lower I wouldn't have time to have got them as they were upstairs. 

I also put a little thing on to  speed up time and make the birds come to the bird-cake that I made a lot faster they should have come today but they didn't so I put  bread there now they should be coming tomorrow but I think because it is autumn it might take a little longer!

These are the photo's I took when I tried to speed up the time and I took these in the morning so in a few weeks I will have the bird feeder up and running.  In six months I am trying to get around 1,000 views. So I'm going to try my best and make my bird feeder do really good. I also am ready to make another whole cake but first I have to get the first one to work. As I said in the second paragraph it will take me a little longer to get it ready, so keep coming and maybe next week, I will have got pictures of birds eating the cake and the bread and now it's the weekend and I'm off school then I can watch out for the birds more instead of my parents! 

I have a bit more on the Buzzards to tell you in fact a whole fact file


                                           Buzzard fact file

I only could find info on feeding and breeding so this is what I have for you!


Buzzards eat minute Rodents but also eats birds ,reptiles,amphibians,larger insects and earth-worms. They eat their prey which is 500 grams of weight. Anything that is heavier is usually a Carrion Crow.

Buzzards are very defensive to their nests throughout the year. The female lays the eggs Usually about 2-4 white eggs with brown markings!

I'm sorry to say that I have no more info as I couldn't find it. 


Thursday 19 September 2013

part 2

 These are some of the things that I used to spot the birds with. Also to make my bird-cake I had to go to my local  co-operative shop and buy the lard use the things from there to make the daal and make it into my bird -cake. So keep coming and I will have more every day or maybe every 2/3!

 I have done the front side and back view of my bird-cake if you are
wondering then yes it is an aero hot chocolate tub and fortunately it was
the exact tub that I needed it is very good for the birds because they have to land on the end on eat the food from the tub so it is designed magnificently for the birds it is so cool and I cant wait till the birds start coming.
Just to let you know if any boys girls or anybody with children view this blog and have there own I would like to link with other peoples blogs!

my garden bird feeding station

at the moment I don't actually have any birds coming to my feeding station yet but I only put it up a few hours ago and normally it takes about 24 hours for the human smell off the bird cake to go and for the birds to start coming and eating the bird cake. Also if anyone wants to know how to make the bird cake here are some steps on how to make bird cake!

1.make some daal that is how to spell it so look it up and see if you can make some.
2.get some lard which you can get from your local co-operative or supermarket.
3. get a big frying pan put it on the gas and heat it up for about five minutes then put your lard in and wait for it to melt until it looks like melted butter (make sure to wash your hands after you touches the lard as it is very dirty) then put your daal in I put however much I thought so you do the same.
4. get a metal or wooden spoon and for about five to ten minutes stir.
5.after you have stirred then take it off the gas and leave it to cool for about 1 hour.
6.put it into a plastic container and wait let it dry over night.
7.the next day put it in the fridge.
8.the day after take it out and put it in the garden or wherever you want!

And that is how I made my bird cake if you want to see your bird cake in action your going to need binoculars and if you want to take picture your going to need a good zoom camera depending on how far back in your garden you put your cake also you are going to need to put it by some trees or woodland or a bush where birds nest!